Canavese Case Snc
Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
Torre Canavese
Area: - Via Circonvallazione
€ 70.000
#6.287 sq.m.
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Ref. DE_51.5
€ 70.000

Building land for sale in Torre Canavese

- Via Circonvallazione
6.287 sq.m.

At the border with the town of Bairo, along Via Circonvallazione, and close to the paddle tennis courts. The area is intended for the construction of structures for education, common interest facilities, public spaces as a park, for play and sports, public parking, and facilities serving production facilities. The land can also be allocated for temporary leasing for pavilions and tents for events or other needs. The property extends for more than 6,000 square meters, of which about 300 square meters are buildable for public works.

  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
  • Building land for sale in Torre Canavese
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Last update 01/12/2023
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice