Canavese Case Snc
Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
Area: - Borgo Manifattura, 16
€ 39.500
#55 sq.m.
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Ref. AL_21.5
€ 39.500

Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè

- Borgo Manifattura, 16
55 sq.m.

Located in the residential complex of Borgo Manifattura in Cuorgnè, this Apartment offers an exceptional combination of comfort and convenience. Situated on the mezzanine floor, the Apartment benefits from a dual exposure, ensuring excellent natural lighting and pleasant ventilation.

The property is easily accessible thanks to its two entrances, one on Via Torino and the other on Via Tripoli, making daily commuting simple and convenient. All major services and shops are within short distance, providing an extremely practical everyday life.

One of the most interesting aspects of this home is the autonomous heating system, allowing personalized management of energy consumption, helping to keep condominium expenses low.

Additionally, the property includes a cellar and a portion of a private fenced garden. This latter feature is a real added value, perfect for gardening enthusiasts who wish to grow fresh plants and vegetables in their own green space.

Thanks to its strategic location, this home is ideal for elderly couples looking for a quiet place without sacrificing the convenience of services. At the same time, the Apartment's practicality and autonomous heating make it perfect for those new to managing a home.

  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
  • Apartment for sale in Cuorgnè
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Last update 02/09/2024
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice