Canavese Case Snc
Business for sale in Castellamonte
Area: - Piazza della Repubblica, 23
€ 57.000
#47 sq.m.
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Ref. DE_07.2
€ 57.000

Business for sale in Castellamonte

- Piazza della Repubblica, 23
47 sq.m.

Commercial property currently for Sale, located a short distance from Piazza della Repubblica and the local school institutions.

The establishment in question is a well-known take-out pizzeria, enjoying a loyal clientele and a strategic position within the urban fabric. With seating available both indoors and outdoors, this establishment offers a versatile and welcoming culinary experience for all customers.

Currently, the Business is fully operational, demonstrating its ongoing success within the local landscape. The premises are subject to a lease agreement initiated in 2019, ensuring stability for several years.

Included in the Sale is the entire equipment and the license, thus guaranteeing a smooth and seamless transition for the new owners. With the possibility of reopening the doors the day after purchase, this represents an unprecedented opportunity for those looking to invest in the restaurant sector.

The location of the pizzeria is a true asset: situated in an area with high pedestrian traffic, close to schools and a spacious square with parking nearby, the Business enjoys unparalleled visibility and easy access for customers.

  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
  • Business for sale in Castellamonte
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Last update 24/07/2024
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice