Canavese Case Snc
Apartment for sale in Pont-Canavese
Area: - via marconi, 2
€ 22.500
#75 sq.m.
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Ref. AL_36.3
€ 22.500

Apartment for sale in Pont-Canavese

- via marconi, 2
75 sq.m.

In a small residential context located in the heart of Pont Canavese, this accommodation is situated in a building without condominium fees, offering a convenient and practical option for those seeking a home in a central location. The Apartment comprises a living room with a balcony and storage room, a bedroom, a kitchen with a balcony, and a bathroom. The external fixtures were renovated in 2015 with double-glazed PVC windows. The location is ideal, right in the center of the town and just a few steps away from Piazza Craveri.

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  • Apartment for sale in Pont-Canavese
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Last update 30/11/2023
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice