Canavese Case Snc
Store for sale in Vistrorio
Area: - Regione Luvera, 8
€ 64.000
#80 sq.m.
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Ref. MA_26.2d
€ 64.000

Store for sale in Vistrorio

- Regione Luvera, 8
80 sq.m.

VALCHIUSELLA, Vistrorio - In an external position to the village, this completely independent structure is surrounded by private land. The property includes a plot of land of approximately 2,600 square meters, flat and usable, completely fenced. It is arranged on two levels, externally connected. On the ground floor, there is a spacious kitchen area with a chimney for the stove and a first bedroom with an attached bathroom. The upper floor has two additional bedrooms, both with access to the corner balcony. Also on the ground floor, there is a useful shed, and a portion of the courtyard adjacent to the building has been cemented, making it convenient to set up tables and chairs to enjoy the open air in the beautiful season. Internally, the property has been reviewed over the years, making it immediately usable. The solution is accessible by car; the last stretch of about one kilometer is not paved, and the property is not served by the water supply system, but electricity is connected. The large flat land is also ideal for cultivation or hosting animals.

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  • Store for sale in Vistrorio
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Last update 01/12/2023
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice