Canavese Case Snc
Building land for sale in Cintano
Area: - Strada per Castelnuovo Nigra
€ 40.000
#1.000 sq.m.
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Ref. AL_98
€ 40.000

Building land for sale in Cintano

- Strada per Castelnuovo Nigra
1.000 sq.m.

In a sunny location not far from the Town Hall. Flat land of approximately 1,000 square meters, with the possibility of building a single-family house on two above-ground floors and a basement. All utilities are connectable and reach the property along the road. Located in the heart of the Sacred Valley, it is undoubtedly the best choice for those who love tranquility and nature without sacrificing services.

  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
  • Building land for sale in Cintano
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Last update 30/11/2023
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice