Canavese Case Snc
Building land for sale in Locana
Area: - via sert, 36
€ 22.000
#3.149 sq.m.
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Ref. AL_74.2
€ 22.000

Building land for sale in Locana

- via sert, 36
3.149 sq.m.

In a semi-central location, approximately 500 meters from the town center, this sunny area is framed by the mountains of Valle Orco. The flat and usable Building land offers the opportunity to construct two single-family houses, each with a living space of approximately 100 square meters, elevated on one above-ground floor. The property also includes two plots of agricultural land located nearby.

  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
  • Building land for sale in Locana
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Last update 15/04/2024
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice