Canavese Case Snc
Store for sale in Castellamonte
Area: Preparetto - Frazione Preparetto, 46
€ 8.000
#79 sq.m.
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Ref. MX_50.2
€ 8.000
Energy Class: N/A - Not applicable

Store for sale in Castellamonte

Preparetto - Frazione Preparetto, 46
79 sq.m.

In the hamlet of Preparetto in Castellamonte, on the border with the municipality of Baldissero Canavese, in a quiet area surrounded by open countryside, this solution is developed on two levels: the basement and the raised floor. The lower floor features a large open space with the typical exposed brick vault, while the upper floor consists of two storage spaces to be adapted for use. There is also the possibility to purchase the adjacent property, thereby obtaining a residential area as well.

  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
  • Store for sale in Castellamonte
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Last update 03/05/2024
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Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

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Other options - Multichoice