Canavese Case Snc
Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
Area: - Frazione Calsazio, 35
€ 19.000
#80 sq.m.
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Ref. AL_91
€ 19.000
Energy Class: UE - under evaluation

Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone

- Frazione Calsazio, 35
80 sq.m.

Inserted in the characteristic village of Calsazio, independent stone structure on two sides and arranged on two levels. The rustic includes three rooms on the ground floor, and two more rooms on the first floor. Adjacent to the structure is the private garden of about 500 square meters, which extends to the road below, thus allowing the possibility of creating a driveway that is currently not present. All utilities reach the building and are therefore connectable. The property is completely to be restored, with the bathroom and systems to be created and the lose roof to be revised. The mountainous and bucolic context, combined with the potential of the building, makes the property interesting.

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  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Sparone
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Last update 30/11/2023
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Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

Minimum rooms
Minimum bathdrooms
Other options - Multichoice