Canavese Case Snc
Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
Area: - Regione Triverio, snc
€ 16.000
#60 sq.m.
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Ref. FB_42
€ 16.000
Energy Class: N/A - Not Available

Store for sale in Quagliuzzo

- Regione Triverio, snc
60 sq.m.

In the hilly area of the vineyards of Parella, in an open and sunny position, there is an independent structure with the possibility of changing its intended use to residential and expanding it. The building spans two levels, constructed with stone and wood. It is surrounded by approximately two thousand square meters of private, flat land, where there is also a well for water. Ideal as a base in a quiet area immersed in nature.

  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Store for sale in Quagliuzzo
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Last update 02/04/2024
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Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

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Other options - Multichoice