Canavese Case Snc
Retail space for sale in Ozegna
Area: - via Del Municipio, 14
€ 12.900
#30 sq.m.
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Ref. DE_23.6
€ 12.900
Energy Class: UE - under evaluation

Retail space for sale in Ozegna

- via Del Municipio, 14
30 sq.m.

In the heart of Ozegna, along the road leading to the Town Hall with significant foot traffic, this space is located on the ground floor, with dual access from the street, and was completely renovated in 2021. The property comprises two interconnected rooms, one larger with the bathroom located at the back, and the other smaller. The heating is independent, currently powered by methane space heaters, and there are no condominium fees. Due to the layout of the premises, it is ideal for use as an office or shop.

  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
  • Retail space for sale in Ozegna
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Last update 01/12/2023
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Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

Minimum rooms
Minimum bathdrooms
Other options - Multichoice