Canavese Case Snc
Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
Area: - borgata Poetti
€ 13.000
#75 sq.m.
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Ref. AL_77.1
€ 13.000
Energy Class: N/A - Not applicable

Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese

- borgata Poetti
75 sq.m.

In the charming hamlet of Poetti in Pont Canavese, at the foot of the path to Punta Arbella. The property is entirely to be renovated, arranged over three levels. Each floor currently houses a room, covering an area of about 25 square meters. The building reflects the typical characteristics of mountain areas, with a slate roof and a structure made of stone and wood. Adjacent to the building is the private land of about 1,700 square meters, currently wooded but usable after careful cleaning. The hamlet is not accessible by car; it can be parked about 200 meters away, and access continues on foot.

  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Pont-Canavese
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Last update 30/11/2023
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice