Canavese Case Snc
Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
Val di Chy
Area: Lugnacco - regione scheè
€ 31.000
#60 sq.m.
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Ref. MI_75
€ 31.000
Energy Class: N/A - Not applicable

Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy

Lugnacco - regione scheè
60 sq.m.

VALCHIUSELLA, Lugnacco - In an external and green area, convenient to the center of the nearby Pecco. The property is the typical Canavese farmhouse characterized by the extensive use of stone and wood. It is entirely independent and needs renovation. Currently, it houses three rooms on the ground floor and the same on the first floor, in addition to the covered loggia. Adjacent to the building, there is about 1,000 square meters of flat land, and the same amount is located just across the road, while the last thousand is a short distance away. All utilities are connectable as they reach the house located not far away. The access road is easily passable by car and alternates between asphalted and dirt road sections, but not very uneven. Thanks to the large plot and independence, the property can be adapted for both agricultural and hospitality activities.

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  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
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Last update 28/05/2024
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice