Canavese Case Snc
Store for sale in Chiaverano
Area: Bienca - Via I.Peronetto, snc
€ 37.000
#43 sq.m.
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Ref. PA_03
€ 37.000
Energy Class: N/A - Not applicable

Store for sale in Chiaverano

Bienca - Via I.Peronetto, snc
43 sq.m.

In the hamlet of Bienca, a quiet and panoramic area surrounded by the green hills that encircle the nearby Ivrea, this property is located. It is completely independent and set on a plot of about 1,400 square meters of fenced and flat greenery. The building has a bathroom and is connected to all utilities. Currently, the ground floor space is used as a summer kitchen, and there is an attic above. It has been finished with care, creating a jewel set in a bucolic and tranquil context. Thanks to its composition, it is an ideal retreat to escape from the chaos of the city and relax in the greenery. The large garden has allowed the creation of charming shaded and unshaded reading corners, and it can accommodate a large outdoor sitting area. Currently, there is also an outdoor pool and a hot tub. Adjacent to the building, a barbecue area has also been set up for outdoor grilling in the beautiful season.

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  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
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  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
  • Store for sale in Chiaverano
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Last update 05/12/2023
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Type - Multichoice

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Minimum bathdrooms
Other options - Multichoice