Canavese Case Snc
Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
Area: - via Luvera, snc
€ 35.000
#1.000 sq.m.
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Ref. FB_83
€ 35.000

Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo

- via Luvera, snc
1.000 sq.m.

In a residential and quiet area, heading towards Parella. Two plots of land are available, each approximately 1000 square meters, reached by the asphalted road and easily accessible throughout the year. The characteristics of the land allow for the construction of single or multi-family solutions, up to two floors above ground. All utilities are connectable, and the area is also served by municipal sewage.

  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
  • Building land for sale in Quagliuzzo
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Last update 01/12/2023
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Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

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Minimum bathdrooms
Other options - Multichoice