Canavese Case Snc
Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
Area: - via alice, snc
€ 18.000
#60 sq.m.
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Ref. MI_55
€ 18.000
Energy Class: N/A - Not applicable

Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo

- via alice, snc
60 sq.m.

In the area that connects Lessolo to Alice Superiore. The property consists of two separate rural buildings with approximately five hundred and twenty square meters of adjacent garden, in addition to two garages a short distance away. Both buildings are arranged on two levels, with one room on each level. The area is easily accessible by car, and if you wish to renovate the buildings and convert them into residences, all utilities can be connected.

  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Lessolo
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Last update 01/12/2023
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Type - Multichoice

Total Square Meters

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Other options - Multichoice