Canavese Case Snc
Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
Val di Chy
Area: Lugnacco - via gaeta, 1
€ 19.000
#74 sq.m.
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Ref. MA_43
€ 19.000
Energy Class: UE - under evaluation

Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy

Lugnacco - via gaeta, 1
74 sq.m.

VALCHIUSELLA, Lugnacco - Not far from the center of this village, located in the Val di Chy, in a quiet and green position. The rustic building is easily accessible from the main road and features typical arched openings characteristic of the Canavese style constructions that abound in the area. The structure is spread over three levels and has great potential due to its proximity to services. In front, there is a well-maintained corner garden.

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  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
  • Fixer-upper for sale in Val di Chy
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Last update 21/02/2024
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Type - Multichoice

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Other options - Multichoice